ex GST and Shipping

Course Description
Book now for an informative and engaging presentation on all things Decorated Board! In this presentation we will discuss the basics of Decorated Board; including the ingredients and how it is made, the different types of Decorated Board, and the latest technologies that have enhanced the look and feel of Decorated Board.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session you should be able to:
1. Define Decorated Board and outline the different types of Decorated Board.
Believe it or not Decorated Board & High Pressure Laminate are two different materials! Learn how the material and features are different as we explore the different types of Decorated Board.
2. List the features & benefits of Decorated Board
Decorated Board has many features and benefits, such as being easy to maintain and its durability. In this session we will explore and learn about the product attributes that make Decorated Board a popular choice for joinery and other applications.
3. Identify where Decorated Board can be applied in projects.
Kitchen cabinetry and joinery are the most commonly specified applications for Decorated Board. In this session you will discover this material is also ideal for a range of other areas within a project.
4. Outline the sustainability features and benefits of Decorated Board.
Decorated Board is a material that is sustainably sourced. Learn about the credentials and certificates that are associated with Decorated Board and understand how they achieve sustainable ratings.
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