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Course Description
Book now for an informative and engaging presentation on all things High Pressure Laminate! In this presentation we will discuss the basics of High Pressure Laminate; including the ingredients and how it is made, the different grades of High Pressure Laminate, and the latest technologies that have enhanced the material beyond benchtop applications.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session you should be able to:
1. Define High Pressure Laminate and outline how it is compiled and manufactured
Believe it or not High Pressure Laminate is not plastic, instead sustainably sourced materials are used to compile High Pressure Laminate. We will explore the manufacturing process and what materials are used to make a durable, hard-wearing sheet of High Pressure Laminate.
2. List the features & benefits of High Pressure Laminate
High Pressure Laminates have many features and benefits, such as impact and moisture resistant. In this session we will explore and learn about the product attributes that make High Pressure Laminate a diverse and versatile material.
3. Identify where High Pressure Laminate can be applied in projects
Benchtops and horizontal surfaces are the most commonly known application for High Pressure Laminate, however there are many other areas within a project where HPL is the ideal material choice. In this session we will explore the many opportunities and applications that HPL can be utilized in, including it’s design capabilities.
4. Outline the sustainability features and benefits of High Pressure Laminate
High Pressure Laminates are a sustainable material with a range of certifications and credentials. Learn what makes High Pressure Laminate a sustainable material and the credentials that are related to the development of High Pressure Laminate.
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